Schulz’s personal attacks on German Chancellor Merkel will not help him win elections, experts say

by 7:30 AM 0 comments
The tables have turned in the race to become the next chancellor of Germany.
Martin Schulz, the head of the German Socialist Party, has dropped 10 percentage points in the opinion polls since last March – posing an increasingly smaller threat to the long-standing leadership of Angela Merkel.
Schulz has gone on the offensive, attacking Merkel`s character, calling her "aloof" and "out of touch" in an interview with public broadcaster ARD on Sunday.
Such a strategy doesn`t appear to be working according to analysts.
"It`s very unlikely that he will succeed," Stefan Schnieder, chief German economist at Deutsche Bank told CNBC Monday, talking about the federal elections that will take place on 24th September.
Apart from attacking Chancellor Merkel, "he also tries to depict the Germany economy and the state of the whole society as something that needs major improvement and voters just don`t see it.
I mean, the labour market is almost close to full employment, private consumption is on a strong clip so people don`t want change," he said.



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