Freed Taliban hostage says wife was raped

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"The stupidity and the evil of the Haqqani network`s kidnapping of a pilgrim and his heavily pregnant wife engaged in helping ordinary villagers in Taliban-controlled regions of Afghanistan was eclipsed only by the stupidity and evil of authorizing the murder of my infant daughter, Martyr Boyle," Joshua Boyle told reporters upon his arrival at Toronto`s Pearson Airport on Friday night.
He said his goal now is to build "a secure sanctuary for our three surviving children to call a home .
and try to regain some portion of the childhood that they have lost.
" His captors` actions were a retaliation for his "repeated refusal to accept an offer" from them, he said, without providing details on what the offer was.
The couple washeld for five years by the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani network in Afghanistan after their kidnapping in 2012.
Coleman was pregnant at the time of their kidnapping, and all their children were born during their time in captivity.
Boyle did not say whether a death actually occurred, only that his captors were responsible for "authorizing the murder" of his infant daughter.
He said Coleman was raped by a guard who was assisted by his superiors and asked Afghan authorities to bring them to justice.
"I certainly do not intend to allow a brutal and sacrilegious gang of criminal miscreants to dictate the future direction of my family, nor to weaken my family`s commitment to do the right thing, no matter the cost," he said.
Boyle said he had been in Afghanistan "helping the most neglected minority group in the world, those ordinary villagers that live deep inside Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, where no NGO, no aid worker and no government has ever successfully been able to bring the necessary help.
"A senior official had said Boyle refused to board an American military plane on Thursday over concerns he could face arrest.
Boyle said his family had been delayed due to a medical emergency surrounding one of his children.
"I assure you, I have never refused to board any mode of transportation that would bring me closer to home, closer to Canada and back with my family," he said.
Boyle was previously married to the sister of Omar Kadhr, a Canadian imprisoned for 10 years at the US detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, after fighting US troops in Afghanistan.
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scriptComplete(`videodemanddust`); JUST WATCHED American woman and family freed from Taliban Replay MUST WATCH American woman and family freed from Taliban The US official said there were some questions surrounding Boyle`s past, but the Department of Justice said he did not face arrest.
"Coleman and Boyle are not charged with any federal crime and, as such, we do not seek their arrest," spokesman Wyn Hornbuckle said.
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