WhatsApp has been blocked in China while other communication platforms like WeChat have been disrupted, as the country`s Communist Party Congress began on Wednesday.
CNBC confirmed the blockage with two producers in Beijing, who said they could not send or receive messages on Facebook-owned WhatsApp. They were also unable to change their profile picture on WeChat, the messaging service owned by Chinese internet giant Tencent, that boasts 963 million monthly users.
WeChat users received the following error message: "Due to system maintenance reasons, from today on until the end of this month, changing profile pictures, changing alias, or changing personal description line is not allowed temporarily."
CNBC has contacted both Tencent and WhatsApp for comment and further details.`s Chinese embassy wasn`t immediately available for comment when contacted by CNBC.
WhatsApp`s service has been on and off in China for the past week.
Users are also reporting that their virtual private network (VPN) apps are also being disrupted. VPNs are a way for people to circumvent China`s rigorous censorship method, known as the "Great Firewall".
China has been cracking down on VPNs in the last few months. Apple pulled a number of VPNs from its App Store to comply with new regulations. And the government has ordered three major telecoms firms — China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom — to block access to VPNs.
WhatsApp is blocked in China and VPNs are being hit as the Communist Party Congress begins
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