Los Angeles, also known as the City of Angels, is full of iconic landmarks, from the Hollywood Hills to the luxury stores on Rodeo Drive and the Hotel Bel-Air. The vibrant city is one of the sunniest in the U. and is a place known for its stunning coastline and celebrity culture.
Gwyneth Paltrow is one of Hollywood’s most famous faces, seen most recently as Pepper Potts in the “Iron Man” films. A California girl, she grew up in Santa Monica, just west of downtown LA and famous for its beach and laid-back vibe.
The Academy Award winner is now also a successful entrepreneur with her lifestyle brand Goop and CNBC’s “Trailblazers” anchor Tania Bryer met her at its headquarters to hear about her business as well as her favorite places in the city.
Gwyneth Paltrow: My favorite places in Los Angeles, from restaurants and the beach to the downtown art scene
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