My father was really the ‘rudder to the ship of my life’: Paltrow
27 Mins Ago | 01:09
It`s hard for anyone not to be caught up and mesmerized by the glitz and glamor of Hollywood.
For Academy Award-winner Gwyneth Paltrow however, she learned the importance of staying down-to-earth from a young age — taking note from someone who`d had his own success in the entertainment industry: her father.
"My father was really the rudder to the ship of my life," Paltrow told CNBC during an episode of "Trailblazers" when discussing her relationship with her late father, U. television and film director and producer Bruce Paltrow.
"He was very pragmatic, very funny. Scrappy, really hardworking guy. He did not grow up with money and so he was very insistent on kind of instilling us with values and work ethic and having us understand how lucky we were, and that it wasn`t by accident. That you have to work really, really hard in life."
As Paltrow grew older, she began to garner a greater understanding about being independent and working hard for what she truly wanted. Back before starring in such blockbuster hits as "Iron Man" and "Shakespeare in Love," the actress however was working everyday jobs to make ends meet.
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