Convicted Auschwitz guard asks for mercy

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A former guard at the Auschwitz death camp has submitted a request for mercy to avoid jail in Germany.
In 2015 Oskar Groening, 96, was given a four-year prison sentence for being accessory to murder of 300,000 Jews in the camp in Nazi-occupied Poland.
Last year, Germany`s constitutional court rejected his appeal, ruling that Groening was fit to serve his sentence.
Groening - who is known as "the bookkeeper of Auschwitz" - has admitted his "moral guilt".
During his trial, he testified that he oversaw the collection of prisoners` belongings and ensured valuables and cash were separated to be sent to Berlin.
He was sentenced even though there was no evidence of his involvement in specific killings.
On Monday, a justice ministry spokesman in the northern Lower Saxony said Groening`s plea had been passed on to prosecutors.
But Christian Lauenstein added: "A plea for clemency does not have a delaying effect such as on starting the prison sentence.
" Who is Oskar Groening? `Bookkeeper of Auschwitz`.



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