Ireland to UK companies: We can fix your Brexit problems

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Ireland is positioned to help companies into the European Union post-Brexit    3 Hours Ago | 03:06 Ireland says it can help U.
companies that are concerned about losing the right to sell products into the European Union after Brexit comes into effect.
"We`re saying to people, if there are difficulties, Ireland can be part of the solution for passporting," Michael D`Arcy, minister of state at Ireland`s Department of Finance, told CNBC from the sidelines of the Asian Financial Forum on Monday.
Passporting refers to how companies that are registered within an EU nation or a handful of other countries are allowed to do business across the whole bloc.
-based firms are worried that they are going to lose access to those markets.
Once the U.
leaves the European economic bloc in March 2019, "we can offer a very good solution for companies who potentially may have a difficulty," D`Arcy continued.
"We are a pro-business country.
We are non-protectionist.
" Aside from a low corporate tax rate of 12.
5 percent — well below the U.
`s 19 percent and Hong Kong`s 16.
5 percent — Ireland boasts other advantages such as a flexible workforce and a robust financial services sector, D`Arcy said.
The United Kingdom, which includes Northern Ireland, voted in 2016 to leave the European Union, but the Republic of Ireland remains within the bloc.



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