Pope Francis begins Chile visit

by 9:00 PM 0 comments
Pope Francis has arrived in Chile on a visit overshadowed by child sexual abuse accusations against almost 80 members of Chilean clergy.
Some priests have been convicted by the Vatican`s court, but protests against an alleged cover-up are expected during the pontiff`s three-day stay.
The highlight of Francis` visit will be an open-air Mass in the capital Santiago on Tuesday.
The Pope will also meet victims of Augusto Pinochet`s dictatorship.
The 81-year-old Argentine pontiff will then travel to Peru on Thursday.
This is Francis` first visit to Chile since he became pope in 2013.
He was met by President Michelle Bachelet at Santiago`s airport on Monday.
Ahead of his arrival, several churches in the country were attacked or vandalised.
When recently asked to evaluate Pope Francis on a scale of 0 to 10, Chileans gave him a score of 5.
3, the lowest ranking for any Pope.
Trust in the Roman Catholic Church as an institution fared even worse, polling at just 36% - the lowest in Latin America.
With such a low rating, it is not surprising that before boarding his plane from Rome, the Pope asked his congregation to pray for him.
It is estimated that more than 60% of Chile`s population identifies itself as Christian, and 45% belongs to the Roman Catholic Church.
It is the second most secular country in Latin America.
Some 38% of Chileans regard themselves as agnostic, atheist or non-religious.



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