Why French leader Macron could outshine Trump at Davos

by 3:00 AM 0 comments
The latest opinion polls show the president is popular among French voters, with one survey by Harris Interactive suggesting that 59 percent were optimistic for 2018, the highest level since 2010.
The survey`s results also marked a departure from mostly negative sentiment during former president Francois Hollande`s tenure.
As well as galvanizing the French electorate — at least, most of those on the center-right rather than the left — and the wider euro zone establishment, analysts believe that Davos attendees will be listening to Macron`s speech carefully for more clues to closer integration.
"This is an opportunity to revise his timeline for euro zone reform given that the delayed government formation in Berlin has upset the quick timetable he outlined in his September Sorbonne speech," Mujtaba Rahman, managing director of Europe at Eurasia Group, told CNBC ahead of the Forum.
TS Lombard`s Fenby noted Macron`s "ambitious plans" to reform Europe and the euro zone, but said domestic politics and reforms were at the top of Macron`s agenda.
"Macron`s main priority is, of course, at home where he has set a three-year horizon for reform to have its impact," he said.
"He started with the labor laws but now moves into the trickier matter of cutting the budget deficit.
He sensibly puts stress on job training to cut unemployment.
" France`s economy is certainly on an upwards trajectory and is expected to have grown 1.
8 percent in 2017, according to French statistics agency INSEE.
Now voters and other leaders will watch whether Macron can continue to preside over its continued improvement.
"He (Macron) has often been accused of being the typical `Davos man,` so this is his opportunity to show how he is using the positive international press to attract investment and improve the lives of those who perhaps didn`t vote for him," Fenby said.
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