Divisive political rhetoric a danger to the world, Amnesty says

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Image copyright Reuters Image caption Amnesty cited Mr Trump`s "poisonous campaign rhetoric"Politicians who have used a divisive and dehumanised rhetoric are creating a more divided and dangerous world, says rights group Amnesty International.
"Instead of fighting for people`s rights, too many leaders have adopted a dehumanizing agenda for political expediency," Salil Shetty, secretary general of Amnesty International, said in a statement.
It criticised countries that, it said, once claimed to champion rights abroad and that were now rolling back human rights at home.
Its annual report singles out President Donald Trump as an example of an "angrier and more divisive politics".
"A new world order where human rights are portrayed as a barrier to national interests makes the ability to tackle mass atrocities dangerously low, leaving the door open to abuses reminiscent of the darkest times of human history.



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