Federal Appeals Court Hears Arguments Over Trump`s Travel Order

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Play FacebookTwitterGoogle PlusEmbed Trump Travel Order Showdown: Federal Appeals Court Hears Arguments 2:12 autoplay autoplay Copy this code to your website or blogThree federal appeals court judges heard arguments Tuesday over President Donald Trump`s executive order temporarily barring entry to the United States of refugees and those from seven predominantly Muslim nations. If the appeals court judges agree with the government and grant a stay, the executive order would go back into effect. "Naimah Qazi, left, and Hatal Ashraph, both of Hawthorne, California, protest President Donald Trump`s executive order at Los Angeles International Airport on Friday. The Justice Department is seeking to overturn a lower-court judge`s temporary restraining order that blocked Trump`s order. "Well, the president determined that there was a real risk," Flentje replied, adding that Trump`s order was a "short halt.



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