French Court Probes Leave Le Pen Unscathed as Fillon Bid Falters

by 10:00 PM 0 comments
At the beginning of January it Fillon who was tipped to face Le Pen in the second round.
?The magistrates are there to apply the law, not to invent the law and thwart the will of the people,? Le Pen told supporters at a rally Sunday in Nantes.
Earlier last week, Le Pen refused a non-binding summons to be interviewed by French police over use of European Parliament funds to pay for party work in France.
Le Pen is battling a range of mainstream politicians asking for one more chance to address voters? concerns about lackluster economic growth and the perceived threat of immigration and terrorism.
Bonds RallyWhile polls make Le Pen the favorite to win the first round on April 23, they also project that she?ll lose heavily to the independent centrist Emmanuel Macron in run-off on May 7.



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