Malaysia names North Korean diplomat wants to question over airport murder

by 1:30 AM 0 comments
South Korean and U.
officials believe the killing of the elder half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was an assassination carried out by agents of the North.
Kim Jong Nam had spoken out publicly against his family`s dynastic control of the isolated, nuclear-armed state.
Kim Jong Nam, 46, was killed at Kuala Lumpur International Airport on Feb.
13, while preparing to board a flight to Macau, where he lived in exile with his family under the protection of Beijing.
Police chief Khalid Abu Bakar named the North Korean diplomat wanted for questioning as 44-year-old Hyon Kwang Song, and said he held the rank of second secretary at the embassy.
Malaysian police on Wednesday named a senior official in North Korea`s embassy and a staffer at its state airline, who are wanted for questioning over the murder last week of Kim Jong Nam, the estranged half-brother of North Korea`s leader.



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