New war crimes court may bring Kosovo families justice

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Mustafa hopes the new war crimes court will solve her father`s murder, and bring justice, "not just in the matter of my father?s case, but in all the war crimes that happened here.
?Read or Share this story: http://usat.
ly/2lIEi5C Faton Klinaku, secretary of the KLA veterans organization, said the court should have stayed in Kosovo to deal with the crimes.
?The worst part of all of this is that no one is tracking the crimes caused by Serbia in Kosovo,? said Klinaku.
The European Union asked Kosovo officials to move the court to The Hague because of concerns over witness intimidation.
A court is slated to convene in the Dutch city The Hague in the coming months to prosecute war crimes allegedly committed by Kosovo Liberation Army commanders ? including current Kosovo President Hashim Thaci ? during and after the country?s war for independence against Serbia in the late 1990s.



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