Payoneer triple-digit payment volume in Asia since 2012

by 9:00 PM 0 comments
He said that interest led Payoneer to set up the local currency payment option in China.
Payoneer has introduced new payment services in Japan and China, where international businesses can sell into these markets and collect funds in local currencies with ease.
Payoneer has three segments of focus in Asia ? cross-border payments for businesses that sell on global marketplaces like Alibaba and Lazada; vacation rentals on platforms like China`s Tujia; and digital freelancers.
"There is a huge opportunity to empower small businesses, wherever they are in the world, to be able to pay and get paid," Patrick de Courcy, head of Asia Pacific at Payoneer, told CNBC.
There`s growing interest in China among small businesses outside of the country, according to de Courcy.



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