Rex Tillerson Tasked With Helping Soothe Tensions With Mexico

by 7:30 PM 0 comments
Mexico will insist that the United States proves the nationality of any person it wants to deport to Mexico, he said.
"Clearly the relationship between Mexico and the United States is the worst it`s been in 25 years," James Jones, a former U.
ambassador to Mexico under President Clinton, told MSNBC.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson landed in Mexico Wednesday afternoon ahead of talks with President Enrique Pe?a Nieto ? a trip that, for past administrations, was often full of routine and breezy diplomatic interactions.
"A trip to Mexico by the secretary of state is like a layup.
Tillerson will meet with Mexico`s Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray (file) Jose Luis Gonzalez / ReutersMexico, unsurprisingly, was not impressed.



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