Syrian opposition impatient for talks, wants Russian pressure

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The launch of direct talks has been held up, at least in part, by several dissident groups, also invited to the talks, demanding to be part of the opposition negotiating team.
"We have options, concrete operational options and we believe that direct negotiations are what should happen.
But the Syrian government negotiator Bashar al-Ja`afari may try to avoid specific talk of "political transition", which the opposition understand to mean the end of Assad`s absolute power.
The ceasefire is shaky, but it and the political talks are mutually reinforcing, Kodmani said, and Russia needs to support both.
GENEVA Syria`s opposition is impatient for face-to-face peace talks in Geneva, but things could fall apart if Russia does not pressure President Bashar al-Assad on holding talks and push it to abide by a ceasefire, an opposition member said on Saturday.



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