Transgender Wrestler Wins Texas Title Amid Debate Over Fairness

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Play FacebookTwitterGoogle PlusEmbed Transgender Wrestler Wins Texas State Girls Wrestling Title 1:55 autoplay autoplay Copy this code to your website or blogA transgender teenager won a Texas state title for girls wrestling on Saturday ? even though the wrestler, 17-year-old Mack Beggs, identifies as a boy.
"Mack Beggs celebrates after defeating winning the girls Class 6A 110-pound championship final Saturday at the Texas state wrestling championships in Cypress, Texas.
Related: White House Reverses Obama-Era Transgender Bathroom ProtectionsSome parents worried that this created an unfair advantage.
"The debate comes as Texas lawmakers have proposed a new so-called bathroom bill and as transgender students across the country worry about losing gains made under President Barack Obama.
"Not enough sporting communities have inclusive transgender policies, and so when we don`t allow equal access and opportunity, everybody loses.



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