Trump Travel Ban Awaits as High Court Hears Border-Shooting Case

by 3:30 AM 0 comments
Showcasing ContinuityThe case will be the first Supreme Court argument since Trump became president Jan.
The question is a variation of one of the central issues in the legal fight over the stalled travel ban, which Trump has promised to revise by issuing a new order this week.
Supreme Court justices may offer a preview of how they would approach President Donald Trump?s travel ban when they take up a case involving a shooting across the Mexican border.
Related issues were at play in a Feb.
9 federal appeals court ruling against Trump?s travel ban, which would temporarily block entry into the U.
by people from seven mostly Muslim nations.
Deportation CaseThe case is one of several on the court?s docket touching on issues that could arise should Trump?s immigration and deportation policies reach the Supreme Court.



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