Trump`s Job Approval Stands at Just 44 Percent as Partisan Splits Reign

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Old 1:58 autoplay autoplay Copy this code to your website or blogTrump retains net positive scores on his decisiveness (net positive 29 percent), his ability to "get things done," (net positive 12 percent) and his fitness to deal with the economy (net positive 11 percent).
Bush`s score of popular goodwill pushed even higher to a net positive of 45 percent.
Trump`s personal favorability rating stands at 85 percent positive among Republicans, compared to just 34 percent positive among independents and nine percent among Democrats.
Compared to Trump`s net negative rating of -4 percent, Barack Obama began his presidency with a net positive 34 percent; George W.
Bush and Bill Clinton enjoyed a similar advantage, and George H.
Huge Partisan DifferencesThe partisan divisions driven home by the famously contentious 2016 campaign appear to have continued seamlessly into Trump`s presidency, the new data shows.



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