White House delivered EU-skeptic message before Pence visit: Sources

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Three people who were briefed on the meeting spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter.
A White House official who checked with Bannon in response to a Reuters query confirmed the meeting had taken place but said the account provided to Reuters was inaccurate.
In the week before U.
Vice President Mike Pence visited Brussels and pledged America`s "steadfast and enduring" commitment to the European Union, White House chief strategist Steve Bannon met with a German diplomat and delivered a different message, according to people familiar with the talks.
In those remarks, delivered via Skype, Bannon spoke favorably about European populist movements and described a yearning for nationalism by people who "don`t believe in this kind of pan-European Union.
The sources described a longer meeting in which Bannon took the time to spell out his world view.



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