Trump Budget Calls for Elimination of Dozens of Federal Programs

by 9:30 AM 0 comments
Occupational Safety and Health Administration training grants: The Trump budget calls them "unproven" for the agency charged with making sure American workers are safe on the job.
"Economic Development Administration: The administration charged with providing grants to struggling communities has had "limited measureable impacts," according to the budget.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program: The program aimed at helping elderly and low-income Americans pay energy bills is "unable to demonstrate strong performance outcomes," according to the Trump budget.
Related: Trump`s $1.
1 Trillion Budget Makes Dramatic Cuts to Federal GovernmentCommunity Development Block Grant program: One of HUD`s longest continuously run programs "is not well-targeted to the poorest populations," according to the Trump administration.
In addition to major cuts to a number of major federal government agencies, the White House budget released Thursday proposes the complete elimination of a number of smaller departments and programs.



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