Sunshine and strong winds help surge in renewable power for Scotland

by 8:00 AM 0 comments
Last month saw wind turbines in Scotland send enough electricity to the National Grid to meet, on average, the electrical needs of 95 percent of Scottish homes.
This represented an increase of nearly 20 percent compared to May 2016.
WWF Scotland`s analysis of data from WeatherEnergy also showed that, on 11 days in May, wind produced enough output to supply more than 100 percent of homes in Scotland.
The news from Scotland comes after President Donald Trump announced the U.
would be withdrawing from the landmark Paris Agreement.
"Despite the disappointment of last week`s announcement that President Trump is to pull the U.
out of the Paris Agreement, the global energy revolution is unstoppable and continues at pace here in Scotland," Sam Gardner, acting director of WWF Scotland, said in a statement.
"May proved to be another great month for renewables with the wind sector meeting 95 percent of the electricity needs of Scotland`s households," Gardner added.
"On one day in particular, May 15, output from turbines generated enough to electricity to power 190 percent of homes or 99 percent of Scotland`s total electricity demand.
" WWF Scotland added that, for homes with solar photovoltaic panels, there was enough sunshine in May to produce more than 100 percent of the electricity needs of average households in a range of locations, including Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow.
Photovoltaics refers to a way of directly converting light into electricity.
"Thanks to a super sunny month, solar was on sizzling form and could have met more than 100 percent of household electricity demand in towns and cities across Scotland," Gardner went on to say.
According to the Scottish government, there are more than 58,000 jobs in the low carbon and renewable energy economy there, while the country is home to one quarter of Europe`s offshore wind resources.



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