North Korea’s nuclear program could be costing less than one US aircraft carrier

by 2:30 AM 0 comments
When North Korea decided to go nuclear, it committed to a huge investment in a program that would bring severe sanctions and eat up precious resources that could have been spent boosting the nation`s quality of life.
Money well spent? Leader Kim Jong Un seems to think so.
North Korea`s nuclear and missile development programs have without doubt come at a high cost, but the North has managed to march ever closer to having an arsenal capable of attacking targets in the region and — as demonstrated by its July 4 test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile — the United States` mainland.
Good, solid figures for just about anything in North Korea are hard to find.
So what follows should be taken as ballpark guesses, at best.
But here`s a look at how much that arsenal might cost Pyongyang, and why Kim might think that`s the price he must pay to survive.



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