3 reasons the Google anti-diversity memo is wrong about women in leadership, according to data

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Folkman also points out that if women at Google actually do feel such stress or lack of confidence in their work, it`s likely less about their technical abilities and more about their company culture.
"In organizations where women don`t feel like second-class citizens and they don`t feel abused, they actually feel empowered.
They feel like they`re taken seriously and like they have a future there," Folkman says.
This assumption that women perform best in nurturing roles "just puts women in a box" and, if anything, their ability to empathize further sets them up for leadership roles, he says.
"A great leader can connect with people and we find that as leaders progress in an organization, their ability to empathize and understand people is absolutely critical for a senior executive," Folkman says.
"If a leader doesn`t do that, they don`t get the kind of engagement and commitment from employees.
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