FTSE CEOs see 17% slide in pay — WPP’s Martin Sorrell still tops list

by 1:30 AM 0 comments
The average salaries of FTSE 100 chief executives fell by almost a fifth in 2016, shrinking the pay packets of some of the U.
`s top earners by £1 million ($1.
The heads of Britain`s 100 top companies by market capitalization earned an average of £4.
5 million last year, down 17 percent from £5.
4 million in 2015, according to new analysis from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and the High Pay Centre, a U.
-based think tank.
The figures, which are derived from the top 100 companies` earnings reports, account for salary, bonuses, incentives and employer pension contributions.
The fall was led by WPP`s Martin Sorrell, whose pay packet slimmed by around a third from £70.
4 million in 2015 to £48.
Without this, the average overall fall would have been 15 percent.
However, the man at the helm of the world`s largest advertising firm, remained the U.
`s highest-earning FTSE 100 CEO last year, taking home more than twice the £22.
4 million earned by Carnival`s Arnold Donald, the second-highest paid chief.



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