UK defends ‘frictionless’ post-Brexit Irish border as mutually beneficial

by 9:30 AM 0 comments
The plans for the Irish border were also welcomed by political commentators, who said that the U.
was finally starting to take to lead on negotiations.
"It`s good quite frankly to see the U.
government being on the front foot for a change.
It`s done a lot of listening and now it`s starting to provide some answers," Andrew Hood, senior advisor at law firm Dechert and former legal adviser to May, told CNBC Wednesday.
Beat Wittmann, partner and chairman at Porta Advisors, agreed with Brokenshire that there is interest on both sides to find a peaceful solution to the issue of the Irish border.
"I think the EU and the U.
will be very innovative and the EU will be very accommodative to this situation," he said.
This could involve a combination of a "technological" solution and a special status deal, according to Simon French, chief economist at Panmure Gordon.
Though establishing such solutions in a timeframe of just over 18 months will be difficult he noted.
The response comes as the U.
faces wide-spread criticism for its apparent lack of direction in talks.
"The only bit where I`m optimistic is with the Northern Ireland situation," Nelson noted.
"I think the U.
government has not even started to understand the other issues.



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