Watch Trump hold a rally in Arizona

by 7:30 PM 0 comments
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[The stream is slated to start at 10 p.
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] President Donald Trump on Tuesday holds a campaign-style rally in Phoenix, Arizona, following a tumultuous two weeks in his presidency.
This month, the president followed a war of words with North Korea by responding to violence at a white supremacist rally in Virginia in a manner that earned him bipartisan backlash.
The president put blame for an attack that left one woman dead on "both sides" and said some "very fine people" protested with the white nationalists and neo-Nazis.
Trump largely stayed on script Monday night as he announced the U.
would ramp up engagement in the 16-year-old Afghanistan conflict.
But at rallies, he often offers wide-ranging, unscripted commentary on recent events during times of chaos for the White House.
Trump has waded heavily into Arizona politics recently.
He lauded, then slammed, Sen.
John McCain, R-Ariz.
, for his votes during Republican efforts to repeal or replace the Affordable Care Act.
McCain first voted to advance the health-care debate last month, and then he cast a deciding "no" vote to sink a bill backed by GOP leadership.
The president has also attacked Sen.
Jeff Flake, R-Ariz.
, after the senator wrote a book criticizing what Trump has done to the Republican Party.
Trump even appeared to endorse a candidate challenging Flake in the Republican primary next year.
GOP Senate leaders have rallied behind Flake.



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