While you were paying attention to North Korea, another Asian nuclear power was destabilizing

by 6:00 PM 0 comments
"Having used these clauses to oust the prime minister, the court may have opened Pandora`s box.
" Dirty politics, nepotism, and cronyism is rampant in the South Asian economy, ranked 116th in Transparency International`s list of 176 corrupt nations, which means numerous lawmakers could be removed under Article 62.
The court itself has previously referred to the law as a "nightmare" given the difficulty in objectively defining the terms, Yusuf said.
"The fact that Sharif was disqualified on the grounds of Article 62 is potentially very problematic because more than half the current parliament and members of the provincial assemblies could be disqualified on the same grounds," echoed Rafiullah Kakar, an assistant research officer at the Commonwealth Young Professionals Programme, in a note published by the London School of Economics.
That could spark the purging of an entire political class, which could create a vacuum that would likely be filled by non-democratic forces, he added.



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