Watch out, Paris: Here are the new favorites for Chinese tourists — and their money

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Last week 6 million Chinese tourists traveling abroad during a national holiday, and that likely meant big paydays for traditional tourist destinations, such as London or Paris.
But, increasingly, China`s travelers are taking their families — and their money — to less conventional locales.
All told, more than 700 million in China traveled during the semi-annual Golden Week holiday from Oct.
8, according to the government.
And while the couple million tourists who took the week to go abroad mostly visited longtime Asia favorites, there`re indications that new countries are catching their attentions.
That is, four of the five most popular international destinations among Chinese tourists during the eight-day holiday were located in Asia, according to travel bookings platform Trivago.
Those locations included Hong Kong, Tokyo, Osaka and Bangkok, with Paris the lone European city in the top five.



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