Coats Stuck in Middle as Trump Takes On Intelligence Agencies

by 3:30 AM 0 comments
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence was created after the Sept.
11 attacks to coordinate information-sharing among intelligence agencies that often operate in their separate silos.
Dan Coats will wade into the middle of a fight when he goes before his former colleagues on the Senate Intelligence Committee Tuesday for a confirmation hearing to serve as director of national intelligence.
?The FBI is totally unable to stop the national security ?leakers? that have permeated our government for a long time,? Trump tweeted on Feb.
Coats, 73, will face tough questioning because President Donald Trump has nominated him to supervise the nation?s 17 intelligence agencies -- from the CIA and FBI to the National Security Agency and the military?s intelligence operations -- while they?re mired in explosive investigations touching on Russian hacking and Trump.
Under the previous two presidents, the DNI has often delivered the president?s daily intelligence briefing, but it?s unclear how Trump will handle that process once Coats is confirmed.



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