Cybercrime costs the global economy $450 billion

by 7:30 AM 0 comments
Langan outlined four ways firms can improve their cybersecurity, including having the right strategy in place and increasing their technological defenses. "Fourthly, we think they should offshore their risk to insurance companies to make sure they can manage that for them. "Companies are increasingly factoring cyber-attacks into their business and IT risk assessments, according to Darren Anstee, chief security technologist at Arbor Networks, which should lead companies towards making better security investments. "A better understanding of the impact an attack can have is driving firms toward best-practice, and our latest research shows better detection / mitigation capabilities, faster response times and improved overall effectiveness," he said in a press comment. With the adoption of different technologies, such as cloud, NFV (network functions virtualization) etc., new or expanded threat surfaces emerge and have to be addressed.



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