Doctors are also hired at a million yuan per year to moonlight for AA69 outside of the hospitals where they work full time.
Customers had to pay about a million yuan (HK$1.13 million) for a baby delivered through a surrogate mother, said its founder, Lu Jinfeng, who styles himself as the "godfather" of the country`s surrogacy sector.
AA69, one of the mainland`s first surrogacy businesses, had seen some 10,000 babies born via its services since its launch in 2004, China Newsweek reported on Thursday.
Despite being banned on the mainland, the business of surrogacy is thriving, as shown by the fast growth of a Shanghai-based agency reported on by ?domestic media.
"The supervision [of the industry] is in a vacuum and there is tacit approval from the authorities," he was quoted as saying.
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