Ex-cop says Duterte paid him, others to kill crime suspects

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Another criminal suspect, an ex-soldier, was captured and presented to the mayor, who ordered his men to ?kill him,? Lascanas said.
In many public speeches, Duterte has ordered policemen to defend themselves if drug suspects fight back and has openly threatened drug lords and dealers with death.
Lascanas said he and his companions later killed the suspect and dumped his body in a nearby province.
He testified at the inquiry last October after he was implicated by another witness, Edgar Matobato, a former militiaman who said Duterte ordered him and others to kill criminals in gangland-style assaults that left hundreds of people dead.
Duterte?s communications secretary, Martin Andanar, dismissed the claims as a ?demolition job? by unspecified people affected by Duterte?s reforms and aimed at forcing Duterte from power.



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