Famine declared in part of South Sudan

by 2:30 AM 0 comments
(Photo: Kate Holt, AP)KAMPALA, Uganda - Famine has been declared in two counties of South Sudan, according to an announcement by the South Sudan government and three U.
agencies, which says the calamity is the result of prolonged civil war and an entrenched economic crisis that has devastated the war-torn East African nation.
?Our worst fears have been realized,? said Serge Tissot, head of the Food and Agriculture Organization in South Sudan.
officials have contested that hunger in South Sudan is even more shocking because of the country?s fertile land conditions.
?This famine is man-made,?said Joyce Luma, head of the World Food Program in South Sudan.
During her farewell briefing in November as head of the U.
mission, Ellen Loj said that South Sudan has the resources and climate to feed itself.



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