Galeries Lafayette apologises for barring cancer patient

by 4:30 AM 0 comments
"Image caption Galeries Lafayette said: "We`re clearly outraged that this isolated act which runs contrary to our values could have happened at the heart of our store"Her post went viral and Galeries Lafayette was widely criticised on French social media. Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Galeries Lafayette is an upmarket department store with dozens of branches across FrancePrestigious French department store Galeries Lafayette has apologised to a woman being treated for cancer after an over-zealous security guard ejected her because her head was covered. Galeries Lafayette eventually explained that as a result of France`s "vigipirate" anti-terror alert plan, some of its security guards had the right to ask visitors to its stores to remove anything that could obscure their faces. The woman went to the shop in Toulouse on Monday to buy a brooch for her hat. When she showed the guard she had lost her hair, he apparently insisted she remove the hat in the store which she refused to do.



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