Investors appear to have shrugged off any Brexit concerns to adjudge the U.K. as the third most important country in terms of company growth prospects, according to a report published Monday.
U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May is widely expected to meet her self-imposed April deadline to begin divorce talks with the bloc.
"Importance could be interpreted in a positive light ? that the countries selected would be those expected to grow most or fastest.
One in three of the 550 global investors and 1,300 CEOs surveyed placed the U.K. in their top three countries in terms of corporate growth, up from just 19 percent last year when Britain voted to leave the European Union (EU).
On that basis, the Brexit vote and all the uncertainty surrounding the U.K.`s future relationship with the EU appear not to be deterring investors," Hilary Eastman, head of global investor engagement at PwC, said in a note.
Investors view UK as third most important country for growth prospects despite Brexit
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