Kim Jong Nam: North Korean Officials Seek Return Of Body From Malaysia

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Former North Korean deputy ambassador to the United Nations, Ri Tong Il, speaks to the media at the North Korean embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Tuesday.
"Malaysian authorities have not directly accused the North Korean regime of orchestrating Kim`s killing, but officials in South Korea have.
A senior North Korean delegation arrived in Malaysia Tuesday in a bid to recover the body of Kim Jong Un`s slain half-brother, and secure the release of one of their country`s nationals detained in connection with the killing.
Play FacebookTwitterGoogle PlusEmbed Kim Jong Nam death: North Korean embassy official wanted for questioning 1:52 autoplay autoplay Copy this code to your website or blogThat tone was a marked departure from some of North Korea`s recent heated rhetoric surrounding the killing.
Apandi told the Associated Press that the North Korean citizen currently detained in connection with the killing could also face charges, depending on the outcome of the investigation.



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