No Brexit Deal Is a Scenario U.K. Must Prepare for, Davis Warns

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David Davis Photographer: Simon Dawson/BloombergThe Brexit secretary underlined ?the need to prepare not just for a negotiated settlement but also for the unlikely scenario in which no mutually satisfactory agreement can be reached,? Swift said.
There?s ?every reason? the U.
K can go ?full tilt and get this done within two years,? Johnson said.
Separately, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson told delegates at the British Chambers of Commerce annual conference that a deal can be done within the two-year window allowed by Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty.
Describing talks to quit the bloc as the ?most important peacetime operation,? Davis called on government departments to ?support a smooth exit from the EU? at the weekly cabinet meeting on Tuesday, May?s spokesman Greg Swift told reporters in London.
?She reiterated the need for an orderly process but stressed we must be optimistic, that our message is we?re not going to fail,? Swift said.



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