by 8:30 PM 0 comments
PhotoCARACAS, Venezuela ? The Trump administration announced sanctions against Venezuela?s vice president on Monday, calling him a drug ?kingpin? in its first moves against the country?s leftist government that President Trump railed against during his campaign. Since appointing Mr. El Aissami to the post, Mr. Maduro has granted him expanded powers, including over the economy and expropriating businesses. Mr. El Aissami also heads a newly formed ?commando? unit, meant to root out dissidents that the government accuses of plotting coups. The sanctions come as Mr. El Aissami has been consolidating power in Venezuela. The department also said Mr. El Aissami had protected accused drug traffickers, including the Venezuelan drug lord Walid Makled Garc?a and the Colombian kingpin Daniel Barrera Barrera.



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