"After the imposition of the migrant ban I am even more strongly opposed to an address by President Trump in Westminster Hall.
"Three U.S. Presidents have addressed Parliament ? Barack Obama in 2011, Bill Clinton in 1995, and Ronald Reagan in 1982.
So have leaders of countries that Trump has targeted like Mexico and China as well as religious leaders like Pope Benedict and the Dalai Lama.
Bercow said he made up his mind about Trump before he ignited a fresh round of outrage by signing an executive order that banned citizens from seven mostly-Muslim from entering the U.S."Before the imposition of the migrant ban, I would myself have been strongly opposed to an address by President Trump in Westminster Hall," he said.
Bercow stressed that Britain values its "relationship with the United States," but addressing the Lords and Commons are an "earned honor" not an "automatic right.
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