Solar was responsible for one in 50 new jobs last year, says National Solar Jobs Census

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Solar jobs in America increased at an "historic" pace in 2016 on "unprecedented" consumer demand as the cost of solar panels declined, according to The Solar Foundation`s National Solar Jobs Census 2016. The report ? now in its seventh edition ? found that the solar industry accounted for two percent of all jobs created in the U.S. over the past year, with solar jobs increasing in 44 of the 50 states. " Over the 12 month period, the solar industry was responsible for more than one in every 50 new jobs created in the U.S."With a near tripling of solar jobs since 2010, the solar industry is an American success story that has created hundreds of thousands of well-paying jobs," Andrea Luecke, president and executive director of The Solar Foundation, said in a statement. "California had the highest number of jobs in solar, with Massachusetts, Texas, Nevada and Florida following behind. "More than ever, it`s clear that solar energy is a low-cost, reliable, super-abundant American energy source that is driving economic growth, strengthening businesses, and making our cities smarter and more resilient.



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