The Kylie Minogue vs Kylie Jenner trademark battle

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Image copyright Press Association Image caption Kylie Minogue has released fragrances, furniture and clothes under the trademark KYLIEA trademark battle between Kylie Minogue and Kylie Jenner appears to have come to an end. According to her latest appeal, she wants to eventually have "KYLIE JENNER" branded clothing as well as loungewear, swimwear, and underwear. Image copyright Image caption Kylie Jenner, who is known for her full-looking lips, released a range of lip glosses last yearBut meanwhile Jenner appears to have conclusively lost another battle - to trademark her full name. In November 2015, Jenner`s lawyers separately tried to trademark the name "KYLIE JENNER" for a long list of clothing and accessories. Since the 1980s, Kylie Minogue has never had to go by any other name but Kylie, and her team has argued it`s a fundamental part of the pop diva`s identity.



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