Story highlights A 22-year-old British woman was rescued from her alleged captor by police on SundayAn Australian man faces charges of assault, rape, strangulation and deprivation of liberty(CNN) An Australian man has been charged with multiple counts of rape and assault after he allegedly kept a British backpacker captive for over two months while on the road in the state of Queensland.
Police officers searched the vehicle she was in and the man, also 22, was found hiding in the back of the vehicle.
The alleged offenses -- which also included two counts of deprivation of liberty and four counts of strangulation -- took place throughout January and February in various locations across the Australian state of Queensland, police said.
She was "visibly distressed" and had scratches and bruises on her neck and face, police added.
The 22-year-old woman was rescued on Sunday when the vehicle she was driving was pulled over in a routine traffic stop in rural Mitchell, approximately 350 miles west of state capital Brisbane, police said.
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