Deputy Attorney General Nominee Rosenstein Faces Congress Divided on Russia

by 8:30 AM 0 comments
"The notion that somehow a special counsel will bring facts to light just isn?t true.
Rosenstein, if confirmed, would be responsible for making a decision to name a special counsel since Attorney General Jeff Sessions last week recused himself from probes related to Russia and the campaign.
Republican Senator Chuck Grassley began the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the nomination of Rod Rosenstein to be deputy attorney general by arguing against Democratic demands for a special counsel to lead the investigations.
The confirmation hearing for President Donald Trump?s pick for deputy attorney general began with Republicans and Democrats squaring off over who should lead probes into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and potential contacts between Moscow and Trump?s campaign team.
"The controversy over whether a special counsel should be created or whether the investigation can be handled from within the Justice Department is expected to dominate the confirmation process.



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