China Proposes Deal to Ease Tensions Over North Korean Missiles

by 9:30 PM 0 comments
China warned of a "head-on collision" Wednesday unless North Korea stops launching banned missiles and the United States and South Korea halt their joint military exercises.
"The cautionary remarks follow a significant rise in tensions after North Korea fired four banned ballistic missiles into Japanese waters on Monday.
The North Korean government has threatened to conduct more missile tests in response to the annual two-month exercises between the United States and South Korea, which are under way through April.
"Wang called THAAD the biggest issue affecting China-[South Korean] relations at the moment," saying, "Clearly deploying THAAD is a wrong choice.
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Not to Provoke `Actual War` 0:59 autoplay autoplay Copy this code to your website or blogWang proposed that the United States and South Korea suspend the exercises in exchange for North Korea`s suspension of missile launches.



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