Flights between the U.K. and Europe could be suspended indefinitely if Britain fails to strike a new air travel deal with the EU within its two year Brexit negotiation period, the chief marketing officer of low-cost Irish airline Ryanair has warned.
Air travel between Britain and the continent is currently governed by Openskies, which is part of the European Court of Justice (ECJ).
" Failure to do so, he warned, could see airlines unable to fly millions of passengers between Britain and the continent.
"There is the distinct possibility that if a deal isn`t found in March 2019, when Britain leaves Europe, that there won`t be flying for a certain period of time," said Jacobs.
One option often touted as an alternative to reaching a new deal with the EU in this timeframe is to revert to World Trade Organization rules.
Flights between UK and Europe could cease in two years without a Brexit deal, warns Ryanair
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