German Minister Tells U.K. `Let`s Stay Friends` Despite Brexit

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?Britain remains our neighbor, like the European Union for the British,? Gabriel said.
The remaining 27 EU countries are prepared, know what they want and have provided the commission with a strong mandate, according to Gabriel.
Hard to understand why U.
wants to go it alone: GabrielGerman Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said the European Union and the U.
need each other and should maintain friendly relations, though it?s ?hard to understand? why Britons should think they?re better off alone.
Gabriel plans to travel to London next week for his first visit as foreign minister.
Chancellor Angela Merkel?s government will fully support the European Commission and EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier to ?enforce our common interests in the negotiations,? Gabriel said Wednesday in remarks prepared to coincide with the U.
triggering exit talks.



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