How Trump The Dealmaker Failed On Health Care

by 6:30 PM 0 comments
He said he was eager to move on to tax reform, but had to take care of health care first for procedural reasons.
RELATED: Republicans pull health care bill"We didn`t struggle with health care because we`re stupid, we struggled with it because it is an incredibly complex, massive challenge," Adam Jentleson, a former top aide to retired Senator Harry Reid, told NBC News.
On health care, Trump instinctively sided with the more moderate wing of his party, and arguably even more with Democrats.
Even as Trump placed his trust in conservative advisers inclined toward smaller government, he kept promising better, cheaper health care that covered more people.
Even in speeches promoting his plan, he told audiences he had considered letting Obamacare remain in place rather than handing Republicans ownership of health care.



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