The Cinta Larga and the curse of the diamonds

by 6:00 PM 0 comments
Image copyright Fellipe Abreu"Our land is our spirit," says one of the spiritual and political leaders of the Cinta Larga.
Image copyright Fellipe AbreuThe Cinta Larga say that they have to resort to diamond mining and trafficking to survive.
In 2014, the Cinta Larga received just under 105,000 reais ($33,000; ?27,000), which amounted to about 58 reais ($18; ?15) per person.
"We want the mine to be legalised," says chief Marcelo Cinta Larga.
Reginaldo Trindade, who officially defends the interests of the Cinta Larga on behalf of the attorney general`s office, says that "the risk of a new genocide is the highest since then" because of the current conflict between the Cinta Larga and the illegal diamond prospectors.



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